


电子邮件: 维罗妮卡.cano@canadiantailors.net


电子邮件: charleen.martinezrodriguez@canadiantailors.net

Cynthia Cisneros,项目专家

电子邮件: 辛西娅.cisneros@canadiantailors.net


实地教育办公室 has over two hundred affiliated social service agencies within the lower Rio Grande Valley, 赴, 和州外. Approximately 50% of field agency sites are generalist and 50% of field agency sites provide opportunities for students in specialized practice.  Any agency/ organization that adheres to and supports the 金沙中国 社会工作学院 mission of achieving social, 种族, 经济, and political justice and is in alignment with the values and 道德 of the social work profession can apply to affiliate with the 金沙中国 社会工作学院.  


  • 实地教育办公室, 一个学生, 或者一个机构代表可以启动加入程序.  
  • 实地教育主任和/或外地办事处工作人员将进行初步电话筛选, 电子邮件和/或代理商访问  
  • The agency site is expected to offer sufficient and appropriate direct practice learning opportunities which address the CSWE nine core competencies and adhere to the requirements of the 金沙中国 社会工作学院. 
  • The Director of 领域的教育 or Field Coordinator determines whether the agency meets the 金沙中国 社会工作学院 standards of practice.  
  • 实地教官提交简历 
  • 现场教官完成BSW/MSSW现场教官数据表.  
  • If there is not a social worker with a minimum of two years of practice experience and    graduated from an accredited MSW program is not available to provide 监督 at a field site, another master-level 现场讲师 with at least two years of post-graduate experience is secured whether it be within another department of the agency site or works in the community.  
 所有实地实习的安排都通过实地教育办公室完成. The Director of 领域的教育 or Field Coordinator is the final authority on approval of a field placement agency. Field placements are made only with the agencies that are formally affiliated with the 金沙中国 社会工作学院.



  • 坚持社会工作专业的价值观和道德规范.
  • 坚持和支持金沙中国社会工作学院的使命和愿景.
  • 提供学习任务和机会,帮助发展社会工作知识, 技能, 和经验.
  • 提供与个人、家庭、团体、组织和社区的不同经验.
  • 提供一名合格的现场指导员,每周对学生进行监督.
  • 学生参加专业发展培训的机会.
  • 有足够的资源完成学习目标.
  • 支持并同意金沙中国社会工作学院. 反歧视政策.
  • 对于通才型学生:为学生提供广泛的学习机会, 包括与所有系统级别(个人)交互的机会, 家庭, 组, 社区, 和组织).
  • 社区实践 & 管理专业学生:有机会获得项目开发方面的各种经验, 社区实践, 主要是与团体进行宣传和互动, 社区, 和组织.
  • For Direct Practice students: the opportunity to have at least 50% of student time spent in direct contact with individuals, 家庭, 和组.

Procedures and policies for placing and 监控 students are the same in both the generalist and specialized areas of practice.

在分配实地实习时, 该机构的地理位置与学生的兴趣一起被考虑, 长期职业目标, 以前的经验以及实地教育办公室对机构资源的广泛了解. The generalist field placement is completed in two practica (Generalist Practicum I and Generalist Practicum II) and reflects the objectives of the generalist curriculum and the mission and goals of the 金沙中国 社会工作学院. The field agencies must provide opportunities for students to demonstrate 技能 at all levels of social work practice. 通才安置流程包括以下内容:

  • The Director of 领域的教育 or Field Coordinators meets with the MSSW Director and Director of Accelerated Online and Distance Learning to identify students that are ready for field practica.
  • Students identified as ready for field are invited to attend a mandatory Field Preparation Meeting where they are provided information about the field placement process and field expectations.
  • Students complete the MSSW Field Application provided by the field staff during the field preparation meeting.
  • 学生将获得现场准备包,其中包括教师建议表, 现场准备流程, 合作伙伴在现场的角色和责任, 学生健康保险信息, Tevera跟踪系统, 还有犯罪背景调查表.
  • 学生与指定的指导老师见面,填写指导老师表格. The faculty adviser will review with the student their academic standing and clear the student for field practicum.
  • 学生提交完整的教师建议表到外地办事处.
  • Students are scheduled for an individual meeting with designated field office staff to make an initial match based on student interest, 代理的可用性, 地理位置, 和经验.
  • 学生联系双方同意的代理网站面试,以获得实地实习机会.
  • 如果需要面试的话, 学生应该在行为和着装上表现得专业, 及时到达并做好准备. 面试并不能保证被录用, 如果由于某种原因学生没有被代理网站选中, 该学生将被匹配到另一个现场.
  • Students extended an offer for field practicum will complete the Understanding of Field Placement Agreement form along with the agency site representative confirming placement retention.
  • No student will be offered a site if they are unable to fulfill the site’s prerequisites such as specific background checks, 药物测试, 培训, 和疫苗接种.
  • 学生 submits the completed and signed Understanding of Field Placement Agreement form to the field education staff.
  • 一旦学生被提供并接受安置, 他们可能不会接受其他机构的竞争性报价.
  • 在整个过程中,学生应与外地办事处保持联系.
  • Students are assigned a faculty field liaison who has an MSW from a CSWE-accredited school and who will be responsible for coordinating, 监控, and evaluating the field education experience and ensuring that optimal learning and professional development are obtained. The field liaison will visit with the 现场讲师 two or three times during the semester to identify areas of the student’s personal and professional growth and be a support to the agency’s 现场讲师 and/or task supervisor. The 现场讲师 assigns responsibilities to the student according to the requirements of the 金沙中国 社会工作学院 and the educational and experiential level of the student. 学生, 现场讲师, and field liaison (who is also the student’s Seminar instructor) all participate in the evaluation of the student’s work. 教师实地联络员负责分配学生实地考察的成绩(及格/不及格)。.
  • Students attend a field orientation prior to the start of the semester that includes information on professionalism, 道德, 安全, 监督, 角色和职责, 并完成教育协议 & 评价形式.